Equipment & Artifacts - ItemsLast modified: 15/7/2010 20:19:04 CET
This page contains miscellaneous items that can be found and bought in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Table of content
Table of contentFood
Table of contentBread
Table of contentDiet Sausage
Table of contentTourist's Delight
Table of contentAntiradiation
Table of contentCossacks Vodka
Table of contentAntiradiation Drugs
Table of contentMission items
Table of contentCaptive stalker's flash drive
Table of contentDecoder
Table of contentDocuments from Lab X16
Table of contentDocuments from Lab X18
Table of contentDocuments from the outpost
Table of contentDocuments from the secret stash in Pripyat
Table of contentFunctional psi-helmet
Table of contentMilitary documents
Table of contentNon adjusted psi-helmet
Table of contentProfessor Kruglov's flash drive
Table of contentStrelok's flash drive
Table of contentThe crazy stalker's flash drive
Table of contentMutant body parts
Table of contentBloodsucker Tentacles
Table of contentBoar's Hoof
Table of contentDog Tail
Table of contentFlesh Eye
Table of contentPseudodog Tail
Table of contentSnork Foot
Table of contentOther
Table of contentEnergy Drink
Table of contentTreatment
Table of contentBandages
Table of contentMedkit
Table of contentScientific First Aid Kit
Table of contentArmy First Aid Kit
Table of contentUseless items
Table of content"Bread"
Table of content"Guitar"
Table of content"hand_radio"
Table of contentBinoculars
Table of contentPP-4a Sensor
BreadBack to top
Hard to say who manages to bake these loaves in the Zone, but the bread isn't contaminated and is perfectly edible. Well, at least none of the stalkers have complained about it.
Personal Notes
Restores about 5% of your health.
Diet SausageBack to top
Diet Sausage
Diet Sausage
Made from a mix of chicken and soya, the "diet" sausage is often, for lack of other options, a stalker's breakfast, lunch and dinner in one.
Personal Notes
Restores about 10% of your health. And yeah, sure it's made of "chicken" - I've never seen a chicken in the Zone (except the one being eaten by Sidorovich in the opening cutscene), only mutants. This should be called "Diet Dog" or "Bloodsucker Sausage"Tongue!.
Tourist's DelightBack to top
Tourist's Delight
Tourist's Delight
Canned food from an army warehouse raided by stalkers. The best-before period hasn't expired yet.
Personal Notes
Restores about 15% of your health.
AntiradiationBack to top
Cossacks VodkaBack to top
Cossacks Vodka
Cossacks Vodka
Vodka made by the GSC company. Goes down easily and significantly reduces the effects of radiation, but for obvious reasons should be enjoyed in moderation.
Personal Notes
Removes about 33% radiation. The name of the vodka is a reference to another game by GSC Game World called Cossacks.
Antiradiation DrugsBack to top
Antiradiation Drugs
Antiradiation Drugs
Reduces the effects of radiation.
Personal Notes
Removes all radiation. Antiradiation Drugs are alot more expensive than Vodka, and also weighs less - so if you're ever finding yourself with too much loot to carry, be sure to pick the Drugs over Vodka bottles if you have any.
Mission itemsBack to top
Captive stalker's flash driveBack to top
Captive stalker's flash drive (Click to view large version)
Captive stalker's flash drive
Flash drive - convenient way to store and transfer information.
Personal Notes
This item is carried by Nimble and the flash drive is the target of your first mission in the game.
DecoderBack to top
Decoder (Click to view large version)
Powerful electronic lockpick. Strangely enough, it does not seem to be an all-purpose thieves' instrument. Rather, it seems to have been created with a specific electronic lock in mind and can't be used to override anything else.
Personal Notes
This item is located in the secret stash in Pripyat. It is used to open the door to the Monolith Control inside the Sarcophagus near the end of the game.
Documents from Lab X16Back to top
Documents from Lab X16 (Click to view large version)
Documents from Lab X16
Plastic document file. You'd need a degree in biology to understand a word of what it says.
Personal Notes
Documents from X16.
Documents from Lab X18Back to top
Documents from Lab X18 (Click to view large version)
Documents from Lab X18
A thick pile of scientific documents. Terms, formulas, and a number of diagrams.
Personal Notes
These documents are found on the body of Ghost inside of X18.
Documents from the outpostBack to top
Documents from the outpost (Click to view large version)
Documents from the outpost
Fireproof briefcase with documents.
Personal Notes
This briefcase is the target of a special mission given by Sidorovich. Once you have been to X18 he can provide the mission Steal the box from the army outpost that requires you to steal the briefcase from the nearby military outpost in Cordon.
Documents from the secret stash in PripyatBack to top
Documents from the secret stash in Pripyat (Click to view large version)
Documents from the secret stash in Pripyat
Worn manuscriptt in leather binding. Written by Strelok himself. Judging from the headings alone, it might explain some of the Zone's secrets.
Personal Notes
Although not a mission-critical item (in fact, I don't think it actually has any real use), this item can also be found at the secret stash in Pripyat.
Functional psi-helmetBack to top
Functional psi-helmet (Click to view large version)
Functional psi-helmet
Functional prototype developed by scientists to protect people from psi-emissions.
Personal Notes
This item is issued by Sakharov once you've done the mission Take radiation measurements in Yantar.
Military documentsBack to top
Military documents (Click to view large version)
Military documents
A fireproof briefcase with documents.
Personal Notes
These documents are found at the Agroprom Research Institute.
Non adjusted psi-helmetBack to top
Non adjusted psi-helmet (Click to view large version)
Non adjusted psi-helmet
Prototype developed by scientists to protect people from psi-emissions. Not adjusted.
Personal Notes
Although this item may seem like it won't work, it's actually what I ended up with during my last play through the game... possibly because Kruglov caught a bullet during the Take radiation measurements mission in Yantar. However, with this item I didn't have any problems getting into X16 and completing the mission there.
Professor Kruglov's flash driveBack to top
Professor Kruglov's flash drive (Click to view large version)
Professor Kruglov's flash drive
Flash drive - convenient way to store and transfer information.
Personal Notes
This flash drive is given to you if you rescue Kruglov from the Merc attack in Wild Territory. The flash drive can be given to the Barkeep in exchange for 5000 RU.
Strelok's flash driveBack to top
Strelok's flash drive (Click to view large version)
Strelok's flash drive
Flash drive - convenient way to store and transfer information.
Personal Notes
This flash drive is found at Streloks stash in the Agroprom Underground.
The crazy stalker's flash driveBack to top
The crazy stalker's flash drive (Click to view large version)
The crazy stalker's flash drive
Flash drive - convenient way to store and transfer information.
Personal Notes
This flash drive is carried by an apparently crazy stalker in Army Warehouses. He is the target of the mission Get a flash drive from the crazy sniper given by Max.
Mutant body partsBack to top
Bloodsucker TentaclesBack to top
Bloodsucker Tentacles (Click to view large version)
Bloodsucker Tentacles
Bloodsucker tentacles contain a special gland producing a ferment capable of dissolving the skin and simultaneously preventing blood from clotting. Discovering the ferment's composition could be the cornerstone of a whole series of great medical advances.
Personal Notes
This is a body part of a Bloodsucker.
Boar's HoofBack to top
Boar's Hoof (Click to view large version)
Boar's Hoof
Boar's hooves can be used to produce a number of drugs, including an antiradiation serum.
Personal Notes
Boars produce this body part.
Dog TailBack to top
Dog Tail (Click to view large version)
Dog Tail
The resistance of mutant dogs' skin to electricity and chemical agents has long been the subject of scientific attention. Since the animals's tail is almost completely free of fat tissue, it is especially suited for lab examination.
Personal Notes
This is the tail of a Blind Dog.
Flesh EyeBack to top
Flesh Eye (Click to view large version)
Flesh Eye
The mutated, swollen eye of the Flesh acquired a number of strange characteristics, the most useful of which is the ability to regenerate the lens. The specifics of the process are hitherto unknown, although such discovery would most certainly revolutionize modern medicine. You can play your part in scientific development by selling Flesh eyes to scientists for their experiments.
Personal Notes
This body part can be found on mutants called Flesh.
Pseudodog TailBack to top
Pseudodog Tail (Click to view large version)
Pseudodog Tail
The resistance of mutant dogs' skin to electricity and chemical agents has long been the subject of scientific attention. Since the animals's tail is almost completely free of fat tissue, it is especially suited for lab examination.
Personal Notes
Surprise, surprise - this is the tail of a Pseudodog.
Snork FootBack to top
Snork Foot (Click to view large version)
Snork Foot
Snork feet contain a huge number of highly elastic tendons. This explains the beast's ability to make those unbelievably long jumps.
Personal Notes
This body part comes from Snorks.
Energy DrinkBack to top
Energy Drink
Energy Drink
This is an excellent energy drink consisting of caffeine, taurine and a mixture of rejuvenating vitamins. Just the ticket when you're too tired to push forward!
Personal Notes
The Energy Drink will completely replenish your endurance. Does not count as food and cannot be used to satisfy hunger.
TreatmentBack to top
BandagesBack to top
Bandages. Help stop bleeding.
Personal Notes
Restores about 10% of your health and stops bleeding.
MedkitBack to top
An all-purpose medkit. Used to treat injuries of various types and severities - wounds, burns, poisonings, etc.
Personal Notes
Restores about 75% of your health and removes about 10% radiation.
Scientific First Aid KitBack to top
Scientific First Aid Kit
Scientific First Aid Kit
Medical set, designed especially for work in the Zone. The set includes means of healing wounds as well as means of eliminating radionucleodes from the body. Prevents the development of radiowave sickness and lowers the dose of accumulated radiation.
Personal Notes
Restores all of your health and removes radiation.
Army First Aid KitBack to top
Army First Aid Kit
Army First Aid Kit
A specialized medical set to fight against physical damage and blood loss. In it is included a component for blood coagulation, antibiotics, immunal stimulators, and painkillers.
Personal Notes
Restores all of your health and removes radiation.
Useless itemsBack to top
"Bread"Back to top
"Bread" (Click to view large version)
This "bread" can be found inside Borovs office in Dark Valley. It doesn't count as food, possibly because it's now so stale and rock hard that it is impossible to eat. If only there were ducks in the Zone, they could possibly have been able to enjoy this after a good soaking.
"Guitar"Back to top
"Guitar" (Click to view large version)
As a guitarist myself it is kinda sad to see an object like this in the game and not being able to use it. I love the thought of being able to sit down with other stalkers and have a jam-session. Unfortunately you can't - at least not yet, so I reckon this is an object you can either sell very cheaply or just hide away in a stash, hoping that one day the developers will follow through on their many ambitions.
Personal Notes
This item along with a "hand radio" can be found inside the "scoop" in Dark Valley.

Update: this has got to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen! E.X.O.S.T.A.L.K.E.R, you rock!

"hand_radio"Back to top
"hand_radio" (Click to view large version)
I reckon this is an item that once had a purpose - or at least was part of some mission or similar that eventually was cut from the final game. The item obviously resembles night-vision goggles so how it got the name "hand_radio" still eludes me.
Personal Notes
This item along with a guitar can be found inside the "scoop" in Dark Valley.
BinocularsBack to top
Binoculars (Click to view large version)
Military field binoculars.
Personal Notes
You used to be able to buy these from a lone stalker back in version 1.0000. With patch 1.0004 installed I accidentally stumbled upon these, lying on the ground, at the vehicle scrapyard in Garbage - I am not sure if they were dropped by someone, or if they just - for some weird reason - are placed there.
PP-4a SensorBack to top
PP-4a Sensor (Click to view large version)
PP-4a Sensor
Psi-emission detector.
Personal Notes
This item is carried by Kruglov.

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