Walkthrough - Outside ChernobylLast modified: 15/7/2010 20:28:02 CET

Map of Chernobyl NPP, part 2. (Click to view large version)
Map of Chernobyl NPP, part 2.
You're back outside in the Chernobyl area. Your mission is basically to escape but to do so you'll need to head into a number of teleporters that will take you around the map. There are about 15 in total and you'll be facing opposition in most of the areas; however, if you are still wearing the Exoskeleton armor and you're packing a decent rifle, it shouldn't be too tough - you'll also find both fresh weapons and armor along the way in case you need it.

On the right side you can find a map that shows all the different areas and teleporters. You'll be starting at the first area (area 1) and the teleporter there, designated T2, will take you to area 2. In the text below I'll sometimes refer to these areas (and provide some screenshots) so you hopefully won't get lost. You may also find the interactive map helpful since it contains screenshots for all the teleporters and their destinations and you can step your way through them using the infobox.

Alot of the areas, especially on ground level, are heavily radiated so once you move up on building try to not fall down - it may be very difficult to get back up and you're likely to die from radiation. Every now and then you'll hear a rumbling noise and the screen will start to shake. If you're not directly in a firefight at these times, just wait until the shaking has stopped since it can make aiming quite difficult.

Use the teleporters. (Click to view large version)
Use the teleporters.
Move ahead and you should be able to see a glowing orb (or somesuch) up a head, slightly to the right - that's a teleporter and you'll need to head through a number of these to escape. With many of these, and the areas in general, Monolith soldiers will often be teleported into the area near or around you. When you approach the first teleporter, three soldiers will be joining you so watch out.

After entering the first teleporter you'll find yourself on the ground with a ladder just ahead; move up but be cautious - there'll be a Gauss sniper and a soldier with a RPG directly in front of you, on a slightly elevated area. Usually - at least that's what happens to me all the times - the RPG guy will blow himself up, possibly because he hits the railing straight in front of him, but the Gauss sniper will have a clear shot. Move behind the large pipes and use them as cover. There are also soldiers on your right side, where you'll also find another ladder going up - see if you can deal with both the sniper and the soldiers before you climb it. There is another Gauss sniper close by so once again use the pipes for cover and take him out. Another ladder will be going up so climb it once you've dealt with the sniper and most (if not all) the soldiers on the next platform. Move to the east and you'll find a ladder going down; head that way and down the next ladder as well. You'll end up on the elevated area with the RPG soldier. There are some crates here - be sure to break since I was able to find a fresh Vintar BC in one of them. You can find another ladder close by going up to a small roof where the first Gauss sniper is. Move further to the east and you should be able to find yet another ladder going down to a somewhat narrow walkway. Proceed north and you'll soon come upon more soldiers ahead of you - dispose of them and head on. If you look west you should see a large "crane" and a large building behind it; on the roof you may be able to spot a number of soldiers including two Gauss snipers. Deal with them if you can because you'll be heading onto the roof. Following the walkway you should soon spot another teleport to the west. Proceed forward into it. As you get close a soldier will be teleported in front of you, along with about 6 more on the roof ahead - these include a soldier with an RPG so stay in cover as you proceed and deal with especially him before you move into the teleporter.

When you enter the teleporter you'll start falling and then head into another teleporter - which will lead you onto a small building on the roof. Deal with any remaining soldiers and move towards the next teleporter located at the south-western part of the roof. You'll find some crates and a metal box nearby so be sure to search them if you are in need of supplies - I personally didn't find anything really useful though.

Small walkway with the trademark "chimney" up ahead (area 4). (Click to view large version)
Small walkway with the trademark "chimney" up ahead (area 4).
Entering the teleporter you'll find yourself on another roof directly in front of a ladder - climb it and you can now get a very close look at the chimney/exhaust/thingy of Chernobyl. You are on a very narrow walkway - refer to the screenshot for the location. To the north, on lower ground, there are more soldiers, including one with a RPG so be sure to deal with him. Move forward and down the slanted roof and up the ladder. You'll find yourself on another roof directly next to the exhaust thingy. There are two more soldiers up here, so take them down and move into the next teleporter to the south-east. You'll fall into another teleporter and find yourself on some vents with a ladder ahead of you.

Move up the ladder - of all things there is a Snork up here. Deal with it and move into the next teleporter which will take you to another narrow walkway; there is an RPG soldier up ahead so pray he hasn't spotted you - it can be a tough spot if he has, because if he manages to fire his weapon there's a good chance you'll die no matter what armor you're wearing. Once you've taken him down move ahead into the next teleporter straight ahead.

You're on another roof that has two Snorks on it. Proceed forward and you should soon spot a place where the railing is broken. Move towards it and when you get close enough you should spot a teleporter in the air just below. Jump into it and you'll find yourself on another narrow walkway with yet another RPG soldier ahead. Rinse and repeat. There are more soldiers towards the west, on a walkway closer to the ground - one of them carries a RPG so deal with them before you head into the next teleporter.

Walkway with a pipe on each side (area 9). (Click to view large version)
Walkway with a pipe on each side (area 9).
You're now on another walkwith with pipes on both sides - refer to the screenshot for the location. The walkway is broken up ahead and you need to get onto the other side of it. To your left there is a roof with some soldiers on it so deal with them if you can. Ahead you should see a ladder on a building close by to the south - you'll need to get there, so jump onto the reddish pipe and onto the ladder or roof. On the western side you should find a very thin railing (or fence) - move onto that and jump onto the next roof to the south. Proceed east and jump down to the next part to the north. You should see a ladder going down and behind it the second part of the walkway that you initially started on. Move up to the ledge and jump onto the walkway. Proceed east where you should now be able to see the next teleporter.

Head into it and you'll find yourself on the structure you've just passed under. There are two soldiers up here, but you may have dealt with them from the prior walkway. Head north and into the teleporter next to the tall chimney. You'll find yourself on another narrow walkway with the next teleporter just up ahead.

Another roof with more soldiers on it (area 12). (Click to view large version)
Another roof with more soldiers on it (area 12).
You'll come to yet another roof with soldiers on it; you may see one directly ahead of you that quite possibly hasn't spotted you yet. Simply follow the roof, and deal with any soldiers along the way; you'll soon come to the next teleporter.

More roof, but this one has a number of camouflage nets on it, along with some crates and metal boxes in the middle, along with a fresh Militarty Armored Suit. You may very likely wish to replace your current armor with this one. Loot all the crates and boxes - many of them contain medkits, ammo, bandages, and you may even find a fresh FT 200M. Proceed east and you'll encounter two more soldiers with another teleporter behind them.

Area 13. (Click to view large version)
Area 13.
Once you head into it you'll very shortly be brought back to Sidorovich who makes an appropriate comment, you'll soon after return to another roof near Chernobyl. You can just barely see the next teleporter from here, on an elevated area - but you'll need to head around the structure to find some stairs going up. There are more soldiers about so deal with them as you move along.

Jump onto the next roof at this spot. (Click to view large version)
Jump onto the next roof at this spot.
The next area is ("Huzzah!", I hear you shout) the final area (area 15), but it's also the largest. You'll need to make your way to the south but there'll be soldiers in the vicinity, as well as a Gauss sniper further to the south on an elevated area. Directly east of the starting point you'll find some stairs going up - you need to head up there to work your way to the south. Directly up the stairs, next to a container, you can find an Exoskeleton armor - take it if you really need a new armor, otherwise just ignore and move south (you need to go south, west and then south again crossing a number of smaller buildings/structures). As you proceed more soldiers will be teleported in, both in front of and behind you (including a Gauss sniper and a RPG soldier). Eventually the elevated walkway will end - but there should be another structure just ahead that you can jump onto. You should now be able to make out the last teleporter in front of you, on another elevated area - there is a ladder heading up. Careful, when you get close to the teleporter, though, since more soldiers will be teleported in around you - you may wish to back up and drop down to the area you just came from, and take them down from there - or you can possibly try to sprint towards the teleporter and see if you can make it without having to fight.

The final cutscene. (Click to view large version)
Video The final cutscene.
When you eventually head into the teleporter, you'll be treated to a nice cutscene. Congratulations, you've completed the game and explored the "best" ending!

And that pretty much concludes my walkthrough. I hope you have enjoyed it and perhaps even found it useful Wink!. As usual, if you have spotted any errors or mistakes, or you just have information that could improve the walkthrough, feel free to drop me a line.

On the next page you can explore all the different endings in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and see information about what is required to obtain each individual one.

© 2007-2025 Dawnrazor - - @dawnrazor73