Index - Traders, Inventory & PricesLast modified: 06/8/2010 19:16:50 CET
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This page features a list of prices for items, artifacts, weapons, etc. that can be bought and sold at the different traders in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and provides an overview of their inventories.
Table of content
Table of contentLegend
Table of contentAmmunition
Table of contentArmors
Table of contentArtifacts
Table of contentItems
Table of contentAntiradiation
Table of contentFood
Table of contentMutant Body Parts
Table of contentOther
Table of contentTreatment
Table of contentUseless Items
Table of contentWeapons
Table of contentPistols
Table of contentShotguns
Table of contentSubmachineguns
Table of contentAssault Rifles
Table of contentSniper Rifles
Table of contentGrenade and Rocket Launchers
Table of contentGrenades
Table of contentAccessories
In each entry in the tables below you'll find a column for each trader in the game. These include not only the "official" traders such as Sidorovich but also common stalkers, Duty members, etc. (all referred to as "non-traders"). For each item under each trader you'll find a buying price and a selling price - these prices are from the perspective of the trader, so the selling price is the price that the trader is selling the item for, and the buying price is what the trader will give you for an item in mint condition. I haven't been able to procure all items (weapons especially) in mint condition as some of these are unique. The Akm 74/2U Special for example, carried and used by Bes, is the only weapon of its kind in the game - so if and when you get your hands on it, it's likely to worn and thus any trader will not buy it for "full" price. Each entry in the table also has a color code that indicates the availability of the different items. The following table explains these color codes:
This color denotes a common item that is available at any given time.
This color denotes an item that is not available from the very start, but requires you to eg. do certain missions before the trader has the item available in his inventory. Refer to the table below for a description of the conditions that each trader require you to meet before they'll have these types of items available.
This color denotes an item that is never available from the trader, though the trader will buy the item from you.
This color indicates an item that the trader will neither buy nor sell.
All items sold by non-traders are marked by this color to indicate that their items for sale are both random and very limited. Non-traders will, however, buy items of this type as long as they have the money.
Please note that the inventory of traders is somewhat random so even if an item is indicated as being common, it might not always be available from a specific trader. In this case you can try to save/reload the game or leave the area and come back, which means that the inventory will be regenerated.
Trader Condition
Barkeep It appears that the Barkeep will expand his inventory at least two times. The first time is when you bring him the documents from X18 after which he'll have eg. the Berill-5M Armored Suit available. I am uncertain when the second time is, but his inventory will contain even more advanced items such as the Military Armored Suit. To complicate things even further it also appears that Barkeep either provides a discount on some of his items, or just sells them at different prices from time to time - as you can see in the list below, I've seen the SGI 5k, for example, available at two different prices; whether this is random, a discount, or something different, I have not yet been able to fully understand.
Colonel Petrenko Colonel Petrenko will have a wider selection of items available once you've done the Obtain an Bulldog 6 from Freedom mission for General Voronin.
Professor Sakharov I believe Sakharov will provide a more diverse selection of items once you've deactivated the psi-emitter in X16. He will also give you a 25% discount on all items you buy from him.
Sidorovich I am under the impression that Sidorovich will have a broader selection of items available once you have rescued Nimble.
Skinflint Skinflint will offer a larger selection of items when you have completed the Destroy the Duty company mission for Lukash.
Selling ammunition seems to be bugged in the sense that even if you only sell 1 round of a specific type of ammunition, you still get the full price as if you sold a batch of (eg. 30) rounds. The RU/Kg column contains information for those of you who can never decide which items to bring back to sell. The column shows the amount of money you can acquire from selling 1 kilogram of the specified item(s); the higher the value, the more money you'll make from selling this item compared to other items. If you have access to more loot that you can carry, bring back the ones with the highest RU/Kg values. The values in this column has been calculated from the highest available selling price.
AmmunitionAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Colonel Petrenko
Professor Sakharov
9x18 mm rounds (20)
170.00 RU
140 RU34 RU
140 RU34 RU
-14 RU
140 RU34 RU
-34 RU
9x18 mm +P+ rounds (20)
195.00 RU
-39 RU
-39 RU
-16 RU
160 RU39 RU
-39 RU
9x19mm FMJ (20)
204.16 RU
200 RU49 RU
-49 RU
200/150 RU20 RU
-49 RU
-49 RU
9x19mm PB1s rounds (20)
245.83 RU
240 RU59 RU
-59 RU
-24 RU
-59 RU
-59 RU
.45ACP rounds (20)
330.00 RU
400 RU99 RU
400 RU99 RU
-40 RU
-99 RU
400 RU99 RU
.45ACP Hydro-Shock rounds (20)
356.66 RU
-107 RU
430 RU107 RU
-43 RU
-107 RU
430 RU107 RU
12x70 rounds (10)
53.33 RU
100 RU24 RU
-24 RU
100/75 RU10 RU
100 RU24 RU
100 RU24 RU
12x76 slug rounds (10)
58.00 RU
120 RU29 RU
-29 RU
-12 RU
-29 RU
120 RU19 RU
12x76 dart rounds (10)
98.00 RU
-49 RU
-49 RU
-20 RU
-49 RU
-49 RU
5.45x39 mm rounds (30)
309.36 RU
400 RU99 RU
400 RU99 RU
400/300 RU40 RU
-99 RU
-99 RU
5.45x39 mm BP rounds (30)
403.13 RU
-129 RU
-50 RU
-124 RU
5.56x45 mm SS109 rounds (30)
481.81 RU
640 RU159 RU
-159 RU
640/480 RU64 RU
-159 RU
640 RU159 RU
5.56x45 mm AP rounds (30)
572.72 RU
-189 RU
-189 RU
-76 RU
-189 RU
760 RU189 RU
9x39 mm PAB-9 rounds (30)
241.43 RU
-169 RU
680 RU169 RU
680/510 RU68 RU
-169 RU
-169 RU
9x39 mm SP-5 rounds (30)
267.14 RU
-187 RU
750 RU187 RU
-75 RU
-187 RU
-187 RU
9x39 mm SP-6 rounds (30)
284.29 RU
-199 RU
-199 RU
-80 RU
-199 RU
-199 RU
7.62x54 mm 7N1 rounds (10)
1952.17 RU
-449 RU
1800 RU449 RU
-180 RU
-449 RU
1800 RU449 RU
7.62x54 mm BP rounds (10)
2060.87 RU
-474 RU
-474 RU
-474 RU
-474 RU
7.62x54 mm 7N14 rounds (10)
2169.57 RU
-499 RU
-499 RU
-499 RU
-499 RU
VOG-25 Grenade
925.00 RU
-74 RU
-74 RU
-30 RU
-74 RU
-74 RU
VOG-25R Grenade
1059.00 RU
-84 RU
-84 RU
-34 RU
-84 RU
-84 RU
M209 Grenade
962.50 RU
-77 RU
-77 RU
-31 RU
-77 RU
-77 RU
OG-7V Grenade
499.00 RU
-499 RU
-499 RU
-200 RU
-499 RU
-499 RU
Gauss Rounds
ArmorsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Colonel Petrenko
Professor Sakharov
Bandit Jacket650.0 RU
-1950 RU
-1950 RU
-1950 RU
9000 RU1950 RU
-1950 RU
Berill-5M Armored Suit1114.29 RU
48000/36000 RU7800 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
Exoskeleton2166.67 RU
200000 RU32500 RU
200000 RU-
Exoskeleton PNB-4UZ Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
-32500 RU
Ghost Suit Upgraded/Enhanced Item1950.00 RU
-9750 RU
Guardian of Freedom Suit1354.17 RU
25000 RU8125 RU
Healing Beril Upgraded/Enhanced Item1114.29 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
-7800 RU
Hunter PSZ-9d Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Kombez Freedom M2 Upgraded/Enhanced Item2166.67 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
Leather Jacket (Special)?
Leather Jacket216.67 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
2000 RU650 RU
-650 RU
Mail Jacket Upgraded/Enhanced Item650.00 RU
-1950 RU
Merc Suit780.00 RU
12000 RU3900 RU
24000 RU3900 RU
Military Armored Suit2166.67 RU
160000 RU26000 RU
160000 RU26000 RU
Monolith Suit1300.00 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
PSZ-9Md Universal Protection1805.56 RU
-16250 RU
100000 RU16250 RU
-16250 RU
-16250 RU
PZD-9d Duty Armor1820.00 RU
-9100 RU
56000 RU9100 RU
-9100 RU
-9100 RU
Reinforced Suit Upgraded/Enhanced Item780.00 RU
-3900 RU
SEVA Suit2166.67 RU
-19500 RU
-19500 RU
60000/45000 RU19500 RU
-19500 RU
-19500 RU
Skinner Anomaly Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
SSP-99 Ecologist2437.50 RU
-9750 RU
30000/22500 RU9750 RU
SSP-99M Suit2228.57 RU
128000/96000 RU15600 RU
Stalker Suit1950.00 RU
30000 RU9750 RU
-9750 RU
-9750 RU
60000 RU9750 RU
-9750 RU
Tourist Suit Upgraded/Enhanced Item2340.00 RU
-11700 RU
Wind of Freedom Suit2166.67 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
-6500 RU
20000 RU6500 RU
ArtifactsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Colonel Petrenko
Professor Sakharov
Battery6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Battery (Burn)6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Crystal6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Crystal Thorn3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Droplets1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
Fireball3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Flash3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Goldfish6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Gravi3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Jellyfish1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
Kolobok6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Mama's Beads6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Meat Chunk3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Mica6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Moonlight6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Night Star6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Pellicle6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Slime1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
Slug3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Soul6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Sparkler1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
Spring6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Stone Blood1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
Stone Flower3250.00 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-2500 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
-1625 RU
Thorn1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
Urchin6500.00 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-5000 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
-3250 RU
Wrenched1300.00 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-1000 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
-650 RU
ItemsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Colonel Petrenko
Professor Sakharov
FoodAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Bread13.34 RU
40 RU4 RU
40 RU4 RU
40/30 RU4 RU
40 RU4 RU
40 RU4 RU
40 RU4 RU
Diet Sausage20.00 RU
100 RU10 RU
100 RU10 RU
100/75 RU10 RU
100 RU10 RU
100 RU10 RU
100 RU10 RU
Tourist's Delight40.00 RU
200 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
200/150 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
AntiradiationAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Antiradiation Drugs2250.00 RU
600 RU225 RU
600 RU225 RU
600/450 RU225 RU
600 RU225 RU
600 RU225 RU
600 RU225 RU
Cossacks Vodka40.00 RU
200 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
200/150 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
200 RU20 RU
Mutant Body PartsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Bloodsucker Tentacles18750.00 RU--
-3750 RU
-2250 RU
-1350 RU
Boar's Hoof5000.00 RU--
-1000 RU
-600 RU
-360 RU
Dog Tail3125.00 RU--
-625 RU
-375 RU
-225 RU
Flesh Eye1875.00 RU--
-375 RU
-225 RU
-135 RU
Pseudodog Tail9375.00 RU--
-1875 RU
-1125 RU
-675 RU
Snork Foot6875.00 RU--
-1375 RU
-825 RU
-495 RU
OtherAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Energy Drink50.00 RU
150 RU-
150 RU15 RU
150/112 RU15 RU
150 RU15 RU
150 RU15 RU
150 RU15 RU
TreatmentAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Bandages150.00 RU
40 RU15 RU
40 RU15 RU
40/30 RU15 RU
40 RU15 RU
40 RU15 RU
40 RU15 RU
Medkit373.34 RU
300 RU112 RU
300 RU112 RU
300/225 RU112 RU
300 RU112 RU
300 RU112 RU
300 RU112 RU
Scientific First Aid Kit500.00 RU
-150 RU
-150 RU
600 RU150 RU
-150 RU
-150 RU
-150 RU
Army First Aid Kit550.00 RU
-165 RU
440 RU165 RU
-165 RU
-165 RU
-165 RU
-165 RU
Useless ItemsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
"Bread"66.67 RU
-20 RU
-20 RU
-20 RU
-20 RU
-20 RU
Binoculars200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
PP-4a Sensor-
WeaponsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Colonel Petrenko
Professor Sakharov
PistolsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Big Ben Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
-1624 RU
Black Kite?
-441 RU
Fort-12Mk284.34 RU
-70 RU
-70 RU
-70 RU
700 RU70 RU
-70 RU
Fort-15 Upgraded/Enhanced Item273.49 RU
-227 RU
Kora-919200.00 RU
3300/2200 RU220 RU
-220 RU
-220 RU
-220 RU
-220 RU
Noiseless Kora Upgraded/Enhanced Item569.10 RU
-626 RU
Noiseless Pistol (PB1s)61.86 RU
600 RU60 RU
-60 RU
-60 RU
600 RU60 RU
-60 RU
-50 RU
560 RU55 RU
SIP-t M200333.34 RU
-240 RU
2400 RU240 RU
-240 RU
-240 RU
-240 RU
UDP Compact416.67 RU
-300 RU
-300 RU
-300 RU
-300 RU
11250/3000 RU300 RU
Walker 9x18 Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Walker P9m181.82 RU
1600 RU160 RU
1600 RU160 RU
1600/1200 RU160 RU
-160 RU
1600 RU160 RU
ShotgunsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Chaser 13143.33 RU
-430 RU
-430 RU
4300/3225 RU430 RU
-430 RU
-430 RU
Combat Chaser Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Sawn-off Double-barrel42.11 RU
-80 RU
-80 RU
-80 RU
800 RU80 RU
-80 RU
-364 RU
Threaded SPSA-14 Upgraded/Enhanced Item256.14 RU
-1127 RU
SubmachinegunsAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Noiseless Viper Upgraded/Enhanced Item258.00 RU
-645 RU
-645 RU
-645 RU
-645 RU
-645 RU
Viper 588.00 RU
4400 RU220 RU
Viper 5 9x18 Upgraded/Enhanced Item254.00 RU
-635 RU
Assault RiflesAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Akm 74/283.34 RU
-400 RU
4000 RU400 RU
-400 RU
-400 RU
Akm 74/2U74.07 RU
-200 RU
2000 RU200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
-200 RU
Akm 74/2U Special Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Balance IL 86 Upgraded/Enhanced Item462.40 RU
-2312 RU
Fast-shooting Akm 74/2 Upgraded/Enhanced Item363.03 RU
-1300 RU
FT 200M?
GP 371000.00 RU
72000 RU3600 RU
-3600 RU
-3600 RU
-3600 RU
135000 RU3600 RU
IL 86160.00 RU
8000 RU800 RU
-800 RU
8000/6000 RU800 RU
-800 RU
-800 RU
Lightened IL 86 Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Obokan128.20 RU
10000 RU500 RU
5000 RU500 RU
5000/3750 RU500 RU
-500 RU
-500 RU
SGI 5k325.00 RU
48750/26000 RU1300 RU
-1300 RU
-1300 RU
-1300 RU
13000 RU1300 RU
Sniper SGI Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
-3907 RU
Sniper Obokan Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
-1625 RU
Sniper TRs 301 Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
-3250 RU
Sniper VLA Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Storming Obokan Upgraded/Enhanced Item364.61 RU
-1422 RU
TRs 301370.37 RU
-1000 RU
-1000 RU
-1000 RU
-1000 RU
10000 RU1000 RU
"Tunder" 5.45 Upgraded/Enhanced Item?
Tunder S14544.96 RU
40000/20000 RU2000 RU
40000/30000 RU2000 RU
VLA Special Assault Rifle720.00 RU
36000 RU1800 RU
36000 RU1800 RU
-1800 RU
-1800 RU
-1800 RU
Sniper RiflesAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Gauss Gun?
Sniper Rifle SVDm2612.24 RU
-3000 RU
60000 RU3000 RU
-3000 RU
-3000 RU
-3000 RU
SVUmk2454.54 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
75000 RU2000 RU
Vintar BC750.00 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
Grenade and Rocket LaunchersAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
Bulldog 6387.10 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
-2400 RU
RPG-7u317.46 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
-2000 RU
GrenadesAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
F1 Grenade165.08 RU
420 RU104 RU
420 RU104 RU
-42 RU
-104 RU
420 RU104 RU
RGD-5 Grenade140.00 RU
200 RU49 RU
200 RU49 RU
-20 RU
-49 RU
200 RU49 RU
AccessoriesAmmunition · Armors · Artifacts · Items · Weapons · Back to top
GP-25 Kostyer Grenade Launcher96.15 RU
-112 RU
-112 RU
-50 RU
-112 RU
-112 RU
-90 RU
M203 Grenade Launcher82.35 RU
-112 RU
-112 RU
-50 RU
-112 RU
-112 RU
-90 RU
PSO-1 Scope450.00 RU
-90 RU
-90 RU
-40 RU
-90 RU
-90 RU
-90 RU
Silencer450.00 RU
-45 RU
-45 RU
-20 RU
-45 RU
-45 RU
-45 RU
SUSAT Scope450.00 RU
-90 RU
-90 RU
-40 RU
-90 RU
-90 RU
-90 RU

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